I want to share this grilled venison fajitas recipe with you because it is delicious and healthy and didn’t take long to prepare at all.
I believe very strongly in sourcing high quality, healthy foods, and knowing how to cook for yourself and your family. There’s nothing wrong with going out to eat or buying prepared meals, but I think it’s vitally important now to look at where your food is coming from, and know how to prepare it.
Also, protein is vitally important to the human body, especially if you lift. This is another great way to get enough protein in your diet.

Related: bookmark this chicken recipe to try, too.
I am lucky that I live in Texas and have lots of friends who hunt. They are happy to share and trade meat. I also buy meat packages from 1915 Farm here in Texas and Stay Classy Meats in Montana. Both are fantastic! (I am not sponsored or affiliated with them).
- Juice from 1 lime
- Juice from 1 orange
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 2 pounds fajita meat from my friend Therk of HD Motorsports, and processed at Republic Butcher
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 red bell pepper, sliced
- 1 green bell pepper, sliced
- 1 onion if you like onions, sliced
- Tortillas
- Sour cream
- Cheese
- Sliced tomato or pico
- Avocado sliced
Marinade and Veggie Prep
Mix the citrus juices and olive oil to make a marinade. I marinated the fajita meat 2 hours, but you can marinate up to 10 or so.
Pre-heat the grill.
While grill is heating, saute the peppers and onion. You can do this in a cast iron on the grill, or on a griddle plate if you have one.
Remove the meat from the marinade and dry it off. Sprinkle brown sugar on the meat.
When veggies are done sautéing, in about 10 minutes, remove and keep warm. I like to use the little side burner for this.
Related: check out some other spice options to enhance your meals.
Grill the Venison
Increase the heat on the grill.
Add the meat and sear approximately 3 minutes per side.
Let the meat rest 5 minutes after you remove it from heat. When you are ready, load your tortilla with meat and all your fixings: sautéed veggies, sour cream, cheese, tomato/pico, and avocado.

After you’ve made your grilled venison fajitas, try some other grilled meats like steaks. I put two different methods of cooking steak head to head: check it out here, “Can Steak on the Stovetop be as Good as on the Grill?”
Training Programs
Back to our regularly scheduled programming, exercise! Try jumping into The Garage Squad, which includes barbell work and some gym machines, or The Home Team, which is work that can be done at home with a few dumbbells. See both The Garage Squad and The Home Team here on Train Heroic!

About the author
Kathryn Alexander is a strength coach and personal trainer in Austin, Texas. She loves hiking, college football, and the feel of a perfectly knurled barbell. Read more about Kathryn here.