I am here to tell you why you should buy a grill. You probably know by now, I am a big believer in taking care of yourself the best you can. I believe in sourcing high-quality food, knowing how to cook your own food, and being self-reliant. One simple solution to all of those things is to own and use a grill.
Let’s discuss all the reasons why I will peer pressure you, I mean support you, in buying and using a grill.
Grills Make Food Delicious
First and foremost, grilling makes food taste delicious. It almost always comes out better than when prepared inside. Grilling allows you to experiment with seasonings, cooking methods, and different cuts of meat. Universally I find food I prep on the grill comes out impressive. Meats, vegetables, desserts, everything.

Grills Are Easy to Use
Also, importantly, the grill is easy to use. There are endless ways to cook food to your preference, but don’t get overwhelmed. The bottom line is that grilling food is pretty simple. Don’t be intimidated! You can absolutely do it, I promise!
If it makes you nervous, have someone show you how to start and maintain the heat. It’s perfectly ok to be the helper until you feel comfortable making the whole meal. Just know that it is do-able!
Grilling is Fun!
Like I mentioned above, there are endless ways to personalize your grilling process, and this makes it so fun! You can experiment with different spices and rubs, high temperatures and searing, or low and slow methods. Or you can stick to your tried and true favorite method.
I love trying all kinds of new things, reading different recipes and planning how to incorporate them, but I will admit it feels pretty good to have one ace-up-your-sleeve method. When I throw a steak on the grill I know how to make it. Come out perfect. Sometimes that’s the best easy no-brainer way to go.
Cook Outdoors!
Also in the fun category is that grilling outside is so nice! It’s really peaceful to cook out in nature. Yes, you sometimes have to deal with mosquitoes or weather, but barring bees stings, the outdoors is pretty lovely. I thoroughly enjoy cooking food outside. Highly recommend.

Prepare Protein Easily
Back to the health benefits: grilling makes preparing quality protein very convenient. Protein is vitally important to your health so finding any way to be sure that you and everyone you cook for eats enough protein is worth the effort.
Likewise, you are really able to take charge of your own health and make your own food decisions. I eat a lot of meat, but I am hugely passionate on finding meat that’s been ethically sourced. I do not buy any meat, eggs or dairy from large animal farms. I buy directly from three different ranches, and make sure to get Texas dairy and eggs from pasture raised hens. It’s important, not just for my health, but for the the quality of the animals life. I just really like to know where my meat comes from.
Save Money With Grilling
Grilling can save you money. Yes, I mean that! No, nobody paid me to say that. But I’ll repeat it if someone wants to! Ha! The truth is, high quality and well prepared meat meals are typically the most expensive things to order out. You’ll still want to budget to buy high-quality meat but cooking it yourself will save $30 easily.
You can also batch cook. High quality meat does take some prep time. It’s not always easy to do at breakfast or on the run during the day. If you put extra on the grill or on your grill and slightly larger for portions, you can plan to have some left over. Voila! Healthy food done with no extra time cost.
Save Your Kitchen the Mess
Grills are also fantastic for sparing your kitchen a huge mess. Grills require some maintenance, but are typically pretty simple. There’s a quick cleanup process after, they don’t heat up your kitchen (crucial in Austin summers!) and they give you more options beyond a stove top. You can think of them as an expansion of your kitchen.
Be Prepared During Power Outages
Propane grills are a fantastic resource for when the power goes out. Here in Austin, we have had several events in the past few years where electric energy was unavailable for days at a time. In that case, it makes a huge difference to still be able to prep your own food. I highly recommend a propane grill that has a side burner. This way I can have meat on the grill and a canned vegetables preparing on the side burner. This gives me peace of mind that I can still eat nutritiously and even cook for my neighbors during emergency times.
Grills Make for Fantastic Bonding Experiences
Grills are such a fun bonding experience! Every time I have people over, we end up hanging around the grill. It becomes the centerpiece for an outside get together. My friends and I share what we’ve been cooking and how we’ve been preparing everything.
Go Buy a Grill!
Did I convince you sufficiently? I hope so! You won’t regret it!

How is Your Training?
There’s more to life than great eating, and by that, I mean great training. How is your training going? If you need some direction or structure, I’d be happy to do a free consult to see if we can work together on your goals. Message me on this page and let’s chat!
If you’re ready to jump into a program now, check out these programs my clients are currently doing on Train Heroic.

About the author
Kathryn Alexander is a strength coach and personal trainer in Austin, Texas. She loves hiking, college football, and the feel of a perfectly knurled barbell. Read more about Kathryn here.