Emily is a smart, funny woman. A dream client, really. She showed up on time, worked hard on short and long term goals, and her sense of humor made me laugh every session. Let me share Emily’s testimonial with you.
Emily began training with me in July 2015. She was already beautiful and fit, but wanted to start being more active, both for her upcoming wedding, and to be healthy in general. The pull up goal, though… that might have been my favorite.
Emily wanted to learn how to lift, but didn’t consider herself a gym person. (Yet.) She wanted to learn the right way, and that served her well.
Emily’s Words
Before last summer I hated gyms. I always felt intimidated when I would go because I did not know how to use the machines or weight lifting equipment. I needed someone to push me, hold me accountable AND I wanted to learn how to properly use gym equipment.
I wanted to be stronger and healthier. I wanted to not be scared to go to the gym by myself. Oh, and I wanted to be able to do a pull up.
I am really surprised that I liked squats so much. I mean I actually enjoyed working out! I didn’t enjoy pull-ups much, but it felt so great when I was able to do several of them in a row. The results I saw in the mirror were also quite nice. Having friends and family notice my muscles was very flattering.
Gyms aren’t scary (though I always knew that). I feel totally comfortable being the only female in the free weight section of the gym now.
See Emily’s whole story here: Emily does pull ups before the wedding!!
Start Your Strength and Health Journey Today
If Emily’s story inspired you, let’s get you started too! Leave me a message on this page, and we’ll make you a plan to get on the path of health, strength, and maybe pull-ups too!

About the author
Kathryn Alexander is a strength coach and personal trainer in Austin, Texas. She loves hiking, college football, and the feel of a perfectly knurled barbell. Read more about Kathryn here.