What are the best shoes to lift in? There are so many options so let’s explore which are the best.
Have you ever wondered if you have the right gear for lifting? Ya know, the belt, the shoes, the gloves? The good news is, there’s usually not a “right” or “wrong”. (Except for gloves. Those are wrong.)
However, there is often a “better” and “best” option. Let’s look at shoes and the role they play in lifting.
Lifting is the Sum of Force Against Resistance
When you lift, you are exerting force, either against gravity, a cable, or some external resistance.
To do this effectively, you want to channel all of your energy in that direction. Basically, press the bar as hard as you can and don’t lose energy in other directions. Energy leaks make the movement less effective. Energy leaks can come from being loose in your set up, bracing incorrectly, or being sloppy throughout the movement.
If you are squatting, the goal is to sum all of your force, from the ground up, into the bar. This is hard to do if you are on unstable ground, a cushy surface, or have loose, cushioned shoes.
Imagine if you were trying to do a barbell squat on a mattress. That wouldn’t be good at all! You’d feel pretty quickly how having a flat, solid ground to press against is optimal. This includes everything under the soles of your feet, including shoes.

The “Better” Option
Chuck Taylor shoes are a great lifting option, because they are flat, stable, easy to find, and not super expensive. You can find some specifically made lifting shoes with fancy options, and that might be your best bet if you are competing.
Lifting shoes can come with different height heels, which can be especially helpful in the squat.
But, Chucks are a great option for even the most recreational lifter. Please don’t squat in your Brooks or cushy running shoes anymore!
Why We Love Chuck Taylors for Weight Lifting
I talked with Amy Roberts about why Chucks can be a great lifting shoe, and she does a great job of giving much more detail here at wirecutter.com.
Check it out and let me know what you lift in!
Why we love Chuck Taylors for weight lifting

About the author
Kathryn Alexander is a strength coach and personal trainer in Austin, Texas. She loves hiking, college football, and the feel of a perfectly knurled barbell. Read more about Kathryn here.