It’s not too late to get in shape for summer!
Do you ever just blink and feel like time flies by? It was just New Year! Now it’s summer! Everybody is talking about summer vacations, summer trips, training to get that summer body, and summer is HERE!
Likewise – I blinked, and 6 months have passed since I posted on the blog. The last post I wrote was about NY resolutions.
(Well, it’s not the last post I wrote; it’s the last post I published. I write all the time. I just don’t take the time to edit them, take a good picture, and publish them. Big thank you to Jorge and Gary for the push to get going again!)
Summer is here!
What if you are still working on your summer body? What can you do right now, to make a difference, today? Lots of things!
incorporate a 10 minute walk after meals, or after one meal
go to one new group class this week. Yoga, Pilates, body pump, whatever is your style
return to your favorite active past time. My friends and I went roller skating last week. Toooo much fun!! Also, I WON the throwback dress up contest, even though no one else competed. 🙂
add an extra serving of vegetables once today
Small changes add up!
At some point, after seeing the benefits of small changes, you will likely be ready to jump in a little more whole heartedly; training 4+ days a week, eating well 90% of the time.
If you aren’t there, for whatever reason – you’re a human taxi service for your kids, you’re working overtime, etc.- I understand. But don’t let that be an excuse for why you can’t make small changes, which add up.
Will you get your goal summer body in a week? No, maybe not. Will you be on the cover of a fitness magazine next month? Probably not; it’s a competitive process.
But – will you feel better, and sleep better, and be proud of yourself? Yes! It’s worth it to get going!
Build your nest
A West African proverb says “dooni dooni kononi be nyaga da”, which means “little by little, the bird builds its nest.”
Begin building your nest, and taking the small actions that will add up, until your nest is complete. Until you have peace with your body and yourself.
Instituting new habits or change is the hardest part. Keeping a routine is much easier than starting. So, start these new habits and be proud of yourself!

About the author
Kathryn Alexander is a strength coach and personal trainer in Austin, Texas. She loves hiking, college football, and the feel of a perfectly knurled barbell. Read more about Kathryn here.